It appears I have been instructed by my wife, Wendy, to start keeping a diary. She says it will help me deal with the pressure I've been putting on myself since I lost my job. Seeing as how she's the chief bread-winner in the house now, I guess I can't argue-- and the fact that she's a licensed nurse gives her some credibility... I guess. Tammy and Todd don't seem to mind. They love having their dad at the house when they get home from school. I'm such an awesome dad!
If Mom and Dad were still here I hope they'd be proud of me. I've tried my best to remember everything they taught me and pass it along to my two little monsters. God I love them so much. I think about the world out there and it just scares me so much thinking about what they will be dealing with when they grow up. If I can't even provide for them, how in hell can I expect things to get any better.
Wendy would tell me that that wasn't a very productive way to see things, but sometimes it's hard being me. I spent 10 years making parts for motion picture cameras, and the job gets phased out in two weeks. "It's the digital age," my boss said. That, and the few companies still making the type of cameras we made have outsourced production to countries where my weekly salary would feed a family for a year.
Dog eat dog and all that. Hopefully Jackson will come through with the job for me. He says Deltaflex has a spot open for someone who understands how near solid state components work.
Fingers: crossed.
Tammy's awfully quiet. I better go check and see what she's up to. Wendy won't be home for another few minutes. I love her so much. It's not every woman who could put up with a loser like me.